Liebster Award

Bello.. First of all I would like to thank my dearest friend Norey because nominate this blog for the Liebster award. I spend days brainstorming answers for this questions. So here is the result ^_^ (sorry for the late reply).

1.  Describe yourself in two words.
(Because when I don’t fit in I chose to be quite. But around people that make me comfortable I’m noisy… sometimes crazy hee)

2.  Your aim in life.
To be a good person. :)

3.  Your favourite food.
Chicken soup! Ohyeah chicken soup is the best! Actually I want some right now.  Haha.

4.  Two favorite youtuber.
Ryan Higa and Michelle Phan!! :D

5.  What will you do when you’re home alone.
I do what phineas and ferb do. muahaha..

6.  If you’re stranded on an island, who will be your company?
Can I choose My Boyfriend? Haha We can talk all day, watching star at night on the beach. And wait until the lifeboat come and save us..! ^_~

7.  One of your sweetest memories?
Maybe during my school day I guess. During SPM, where me and all my friends studying in one class and we were like brothers and sisters, we even call our class as Dynamic Nation!  Everyday is a happy day, we cracked jokes together and we were so happy. I think that will be the moment that I will treasure for the rest of my life.

8.  If you got to choose between boyfriend and family, who will you choose?
If I have to choose, hmm. I will marry my boyfriend and he will be part of my family. So I don’t have to choose anymore. hehe.

9.  Places you want to go. So bad.
I can go anywhere if I’m with the person that I love. The setting is not very important, yes it can be a nice background but It’s the company that actually really make a different. :)

10.Where will you live 10 years from now on?
Idk. 10 years? hmm.. maybe in my own house. Be a good wife. A good mother. But, If people don’t stop pollute the earth maybe I’ll live in planet mars or something.

Thank you for reading ^_^ and if you don’t know Norey. She’s a blogger too and she own an awesome blog. Click here to check out her blog and next I would like to nominate another blog Nurul this question is dedicated for you. Hehe.

1. what was your childhood nickname?
2. If you were a superhero what power would you have?
3. what is your favourite girl group?
4. what's the most delicious food you've ever eaten in your life?
5. what's your favorite cartoon growing up?
6. If you could invite 3 famous people to your party, who would they be?
7. what is your favorite ice cream flavour?
8. what is your favorite holiday destination?
9. what is your special talent?
10. what's your favorite Quotes?


Norafifah Roshman said...

hahaha singgah sini qichi. comel kenen tu haha. buat sendiri tau tu -,- araat2 kan.

Blackpearl Qichi said...

Thank you singgah :) cute pun tu!.. hehe

Christey said...

hehe i love you qen

Blackpearl Qichi said...